Fourteen beginners signed on for our beginners course this September. We offer this to people interested in the sport usually twice a year with qualified archery coaches.
Our coaches explained to the group about understanding the archery range, the layout and safety aspects. How to hold a bow and shoot safely using the barebow technique to start.
During the 3 sessions on different days, they learned freestyle shooting, refining their skills and transitioning to using a sign to aim. They learned how to perfect their stance and hands, became familiar with archery range commands and how to collect arrows. We also included developing their draw, aim and release, scoring and some fun balloon shooting.

Over the course of the sessions, we reinforced range and equipment safety, showed them how to set up and take-down their bow, talked about general equipment and club membership.
Many thanks to our coaches and club volunteers who gave up hours of their time in order to introduce and instruct our beginners. We look forward to welcoming those that are keen as club members when they are ready and wish others, who go on to other clubs, the very best of luck with their archery.

Please use our contact page if you wish to get in touch re our next beginners course or to join the club.